Apr 02, 21 · AFC – known as "Continuousservo AF" in Nikon's lingo, this setting is used for photographing moving subjects When you halfpress the shutter button and your subject moves, the camera will reacquire focus I mostly keep my D850 in AFC autofocus mode and only switch to AFS in some situationsFind here Tolperisone HCL Tablet, Tolperisone Hydrochloride Tablets manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in India Get contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying Tolperisone HCL Tablet, Tolperisone Hydrochloride Tablets, Tolperisone across IndiaJun 10, · How AF Is Used In almost all situations where it's being used, the term af is placed directly after an adjective as a way to emphasize or exaggerate its meaning It's become a big trend online and in text messages with teens and young adults—among the many other internet slang words, acronyms, and abbreviations they use all the time to get Af 150mg Tablet 1 S Buy Medicines Online At Best...